AC Refrigerant Leak Repairs in Tampa, FL

If you have a refrigerant leak or need freon replacement services, call us at 727-431-5578 for services in the Tampa Bay Area.

If you notice moisture leaking from your air conditioner, it’s important to resist the urge to clean up the moisture on your own and try to make the repairs, and instead call in the professionals. This is a dangerous substance and should only be handled by trained experts. Call Air Mavericks for air conditioner refrigerant leak services in Tampa, FL. We offer on-time services.

Do you need air handler repairs? Call us for replacements and services.

Refrigerant Leaks: What To Watch For

Do you suspect you have a refrigerant leak? There are certain symptoms our AC contractors recommend watching for, including:

  • Moisture from your air conditioner: One of the most obvious signs of a refrigerant leak is moisture around your AC system.
  • Home feels warm: If your home isn’t reaching the desired temperature on your thermostat.
  • Ice or frost on the evaporator coil: When the refrigerant level gets too low, the evaporator coil can no longer absorb heat to warm up the cold refrigerant. This can lead to moisture that can turn to ice or frost on the coil.
  • Hissing sounds: If you hear sounds similar to hissing sounds coming from the unit, it can signal a leak.

Why You Need Professional Refrigerant Leaks Repairs

When you have an AC refrigerant leak, call a trained AC contractor to perform the repairs:

  • Locate and repair the leak.
  • Add high-quality refrigerant to properly fill the system. A professional will know what type to add for the best results.
  • Ensure the right amount of refrigerant is added. Adding too much during a freon replacement can damage the system and require a replacement.

Is your air conditioner make strange noises? Call us for residential AC repairs in Tampa.


Is air conditioning (AC) refrigerant leak dangerous?

Yes, AC refrigerant leaks can be harmful. Address the refrigerant leak promptly for safety.

What to do if air conditioing (AC) is leaking refrigerant?

Contact us immediately for refrigerant leak detection and repair.

Can you run air conditioning (AC) with refrigerant leak??

It’s not recommended. Running your AC with a refrigerant leak can damage your AC system.

Can you stay in a house with a Freon leak?

Staying in a house with a Freon (refrigerant) leak is not recommended, especially if the leak is significant. While Freon is not toxic in small amounts, it can pose health risks in larger concentrations. Exposure to Freon can lead to symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and irritation of the eyes, ears, and throat. In very high concentrations, it can potentially lead to more serious health issues, including refrigerant poisoning, which affects the heart, lungs, and central nervous system. Additionally, Freon displaces oxygen, so a significant leak in a poorly ventilated area could lead to suffocation.

If you suspect a Freon leak, it’s important to ventilate the area well and to call a professional HVAC technician immediately to repair the leak. Until the leak is fixed and the area is deemed safe, it’s best to minimize exposure by staying elsewhere if possible.

Is a refrigerant leak dangerous to breathe?

Yes, breathing in refrigerant from a leak can be dangerous, depending on the amount and type of refrigerant, as well as the duration of exposure. Most modern air conditioners use refrigerants that, while safer than older types like Freon (R-22), can still pose health risks if inhaled in large quantities or over extended periods. Exposure to refrigerant gasses can lead to health issues such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, coughing, and, in extreme cases, can affect the central nervous system, heart rhythm, or lead to asphyxiation due to oxygen displacement in confined spaces. If you suspect a refrigerant leak, it’s important to ventilate the area and call a professional to repair the leak safely. Always prioritize safety and avoid prolonged exposure to refrigerant gasses.

Is an AC refrigerant leak an emergency?

Yes, an AC refrigerant leak can be considered an emergency for several reasons. First, refrigerant leaks can pose health risks to occupants through prolonged exposure. Symptoms can range from mild, such as headaches and dizziness, to more severe effects on the central nervous system and respiratory system in cases of significant exposure.

Secondly, a refrigerant leak can harm the efficiency and functionality of your air conditioning system, leading to higher energy consumption and poor cooling. Over time, it can also cause damage to the AC unit itself, potentially leading to costly repairs or the need for a full replacement.
If you suspect a refrigerant leak, it’s important to address it promptly by contacting a qualified HVAC technician to diagnose and repair the issue safely.

How do I know if my AC is leaking refrigerant?

Identifying a refrigerant leak in your AC system involves looking out for several key signs:

Reduced Cooling Efficiency: If your AC is not cooling as effectively as it used to or is blowing warm air, it could indicate low refrigerant levels due to a leak.

Hissing or Bubbling Noises: A hissing or bubbling sound coming from your AC unit can be a sign of refrigerant escaping through a crack or hole in the cooling system.

Ice on the Refrigerant Lines: Ice formation on the refrigerant lines or the outdoor unit’s evaporator coil suggests the refrigerant is not absorbing heat properly, possibly due to being low from a leak.

High Energy Bills: An unexplained increase in your energy bills might indicate your AC system is working harder to maintain cool temperatures due to insufficient refrigerant.

Visible Leaks or Stains: While refrigerant itself evaporates and won’t leave a puddle, oil residue accompanying the refrigerant might indicate a leak location if you see oily spots near AC connections.

Extended Cooling Cycles: The AC may run longer than usual to reach the set temperature if there’s not enough refrigerant to cool the air efficiently.
If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to contact a professional HVAC technician to inspect your system.

Common Causes of Refrigerant Leaks

If you have a refrigerant leak, it’s essential to call a technician for repairs on your air conditioner. These leaks can be caused by a variety of issues, including:

  • Formation of formic acid from the copper lines. This can cause them to deteriorate.
  • Vibrations that cause lines to move. This can lead to potential leaks.
  • Wear and tear on your AC unit. As your unit ages, the joints and connections can weaken.

If you need your air conditioner’s freon recharged, call us at  727-431-5578 for appointments in the Tampa Bay Area. We guarantee 100% satisfaction!